No harassment, hate speech, or discrimination.
No excessive swearing or toxicity.
Punishment: 1hour>3hour>1day>7day>14day>30day>perm mute
No hacked clients, X-ray, auto-clickers, or any unfair advantages.
No exploiting game mechanics (duping, glitch abuse, etc.).
Punishment: 7day ban>14 day ban> 30 day ban> 1yr Ban
Do not destroy or modify other players’ builds without permission.
No stealing from chests or farms.
Punishment: 7day ban>14 day ban> 30 day ban> 1yr Ban
No excessive messages, caps, or character spam.
No advertising other servers, websites, or social media.
Punishment: Warn>1hour>3hour>1day>7day>14day>30day>perm mute
No setting up traps for players using teleportation.
No unfair scamming of in-game items or currency.
Punishment: 7day ban>14 day ban> 30 day ban> 1yr Ban
Do not argue with or impersonate staff members.
Follow staff instructions when given.
Punishment: 3hour>1day>7day>14day>30day>perm mute
No massive redstone lag machines.
No excessive mob farms or item drops.
Punishment: 1yr ban> Perm Ban
Only approved mods (e.g., Optifine, MiniMap) are allowed.
No automated scripts, macros, or keybinding exploits.
Do not use mods that alter movement speed, hitboxes, or render distance beyond the server’s limits.
Punishment: 7day ban>14 day ban> 30 day ban> 1yr Ban
Do not sell in-game items or ranks for real money.
Punishment: Instant Permanent Ban
No NSFW content, discussions, or inappropriate skins/usernames.
Punishment: 3hour>1day>7day>14day>30day>perm mute
No spawn killing, trapping, or excessive targeting.
No combat logging (quitting during combat to avoid death).
Punishment: Warning>1day ban>7 day>30day>1year
Do not impersonate other players, staff, or YouTubers.
Punishment: 3hour>1day>7day>14day>30day>perm mute
Do not use alternate accounts to bypass punishments.
Punishment: 2x length
Do not claim large areas you don’t intend to use.
No blocking others from expanding their builds unfairly.
Punishment: Warning>1day ban>7 day>30day>1year
If you find a bug, report it to staff immediately.
Do not use duplication glitches or unintended exploits.
Punishment: 14day ban>30 day ban> 1yr Ban
Limit of 3 accounts per player per realm.
Only using 1 account at a time.
No using alts for unfair advantages (AFK farming, bypassing cooldowns, etc.).
Punishment: Warning>1day ban>7 day>30day>1year
No offensive, NSFW, or controversial builds.
Punishment: 1day ban>7 day>14day>30day>1year
Do not give away, sell, or share your account with others.
Your account, your responsibility.
The server is meant to be an enjoyable space for all players.
Note: Chest Shops and Private signs can be removed by staff with a 7 day notice